Is Elephant’s Ear Poisonous to Dogs or Cats?

Elephant’s ear

is elephants ear (Alocasia spp.) poisonous
  • Scientific Name: Alocasia spp.
  • Also Known As: Colocasia
  • Is It Toxic? Yes
  • Toxins: Calcium oxalate raphides and idioblasts; also some unknown proteinaceous toxin
  • Symptoms: Severe irritation of skin and mucous membranes, inflammation, possible blistering, hoarseness, salivation, vomiting; if large amounts, dysphagia, respiratory compromise; severe pain in mouth, lips, throat, stomach
  • Toxic Parts:
  • General: Small amounts of root or leaf may be fatal because of restricted airway in very small animals

What Is Elephant’s Ear?

Elephant’s ear refers to the genus Colocasia, which is a genus of plants belonging to the family Araceae. The genus consists of 11 species, native to India, southern China, Indochina and Indonesia.

The best known species is Taro (Colocasia esculenta), which is cultivated throughout the tropics as a vegetable.

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