Is Red squill poisonous to dogs or cats?

Red squill

  • Scientific Name: Drimia maritima
  • Also Known As: Red squill, sea onion
  • Is It Toxic? Yes
  • Toxins: Proscillaridin A (bufadienolide cardiotoxins), noncumulative
  • Symptoms: Vomiting, diarrhea, bradycardia, arrhythmias, hyperkalemia, seizures. Ca 2+-binding agents decrease lethality
  • Toxic Parts:
  • General:

Red squill (Drimia maritima) is a marine plant that produces toxins that are known to cause bradycardia, arrhythmias, and hyperkalemia. Red squill has been used in many European and Asian folk remedies. If your dog or cat gets into a marine plant that produces toxins, please contact your veterinarian.

What is Red squill?

The plant commonly known as red squill is Drimia maritima. Red squill grows at sea level and can be found at the coastline, as well as inland in the salt marsh or freshwater marshes. It is an ornamental plant that has pink, purple, and red flowers.