Is Yellow skunk cabbage poisonous to dogs or cats?

Yellow skunk cabbage

  • Scientific Name: Lysichiton americanum
  • Also Known As: Yellow skunk cabbage
  • Is It Toxic? Yes
  • Toxins: Insoluble calcium oxalates
  • Symptoms: Irritation to the GIT; if large amounts ingested, airway obstruction, respiratory compromise
  • Toxic Parts:
  • General:

If you have a pet, you might be wondering if Yellow skunk cabbage (Lyschiton americanum) is poisonous to your pets. The answer is yes, this plant causes irritation to the gastrointestinal (GI) tract and airway, and can cause respiratory distress if large doses are consumed. For pet safety, call your local animal control or animal Poison Control Center immediately.

What is Yellow skunk cabbage?

Yellow skunk cabbage (Lysichiton americanum) is a plant that may be poisonous to your pet. The plant is commonly known as a skunk cabbage in North America. It is found in the wild throughout eastern North America but is also found in some areas in the southeastern U.S., Georgia, and Florida. It is sometimes confused with purple skunk cabbage (Lysichiton purpurioides) and black-rudder (Lysichiton americana var. ruthenicum).