Is Chinaberry poisonous to dogs or cats?


  • Scientific Name: Melia azederach
  • Also Known As: Chinaberry, chinaberry tree
  • Is It Toxic? Yes
  • Toxins: Meliatoxins A1, A2, B1 (limonoid tetranorterpenes) in fruits and bark; 5-6 fruits fatal to young dog within 48 hours
  • Symptoms: Vomiting, diarrhea, weakness, ataxia, depression, convulsions, coma
  • Toxic Parts:
  • General:

If you have a pet dog or cat, you might be wondering if Chinaberry is poisonous to them. The answer is yes, it is. The berries of this plant are toxic and can cause severe illness and even death in pet dogs and cats that consume them. The most toxic compound in the plant is known as Meliatoxins A1, A2, or T1 and T2. This compound is a limonoid tetranorterpenes, and it should be handled with extreme caution. If you think your pet has consumed berries from the chinaberry, please contact your veterinarian or the Pet Poison Helpline immediately.

What is Chinaberry?

Chinaberry or the melia azederach is an evergreen tree that can grow up to 20 meters (65 ft) in height. It is native to tropical regions of Southeast Asia, from Taiwan and the Philippines, throughout tropical regions of Africa, India and the South Pacific. The fruit of the chinaberry is a round drupe, which typically weighs about 10-26 g but can be up to 5 kg.